Monday, June 17, 2013

I want to blog!

I want to blog! I want to blog! I want to blog! But I feel like there are all these rules. Like there is this right and wrong way to do it. I want to join in on all of these fun lists of things to blog about or blog groups but I feel like because I don't blog like the others, my "say" wont be good enough. Or that I am being a copy cat in some way. I know I'm never going to have more than a hand full of "followers" but I feel like I REALLY have things I want to say. Things I think a TON of people can relate to. And hell I can be pretty funny too! I want to just blog as if this were my diary. Like I'm just telling a story of these random things that come into my head or this random life I seem to be living. I want to just be me just for a little while, right here, right here in this little speck of cyber world. I can say exactly how I'm feeling and not feel guarded or feel like I will be now EVERYONE hates me because I've gone and opened my big mouth again! Lol but again is that ok? Can you do all those things and call it a blog? I had this fantastic post about "the real Father's Day" going and I put it into drafts because I don't want to offend anyone. I didn't say anything rude or anything I was just giving props to single moms etc. but there's this itch that someone somewhere is going to have a problem with what I have to say. I also don't want to use proper punctuation and grammar and all of the correct spacing! i want to write one big run on sentence if I feel like it! I get to this dead end every time I start blogging. IS IT OK TO WRITE THIS? I really just want to blog without all the extra that goes with it. Ugh! 


  1. Go with your gut feeling! It is never wrong! I found a blog challenge to do, and it's fun! Try something like that!

  2. I'm way late commenting on this, but better late than never, right? ;-) One thing I will say is that there ARE NO BLOGGING RULES. Write what you want to write. If people don't like it, they don't have to read it. Ya know?? This is your space, so you can do what you want with it :)
