Friday, June 14, 2013

How much is too much?

This post is kind of going along with the last post. Yes I love being a working mother and yes I do feel like I need ME time. But how much is too much time away from your kids?  I hate to be super judgmental BUT I feel like if you work an eight hour shift and add an hour or so commute five days a week that's a lot of time away from your kid(s) to begin with. But it's justifiable, not everyone has the privilege of being a stay at home mom. 

But then there's the weekend, the chance to make up for time lost, right?  In my opinion YES! I don't think it's ok to work all week and then go out Friday night and then maybe also go out for a few hours alone (kidless) on a Saturday afternoon. Leaving mainly Sunday to spend with your child from sun up to sun down. ONE DAY! One day out of the week! That's all the time you think your kids needs DESERVES from you?! That's just crazy! 

Now I know things come up but I so often see via Facebook posts, tweets, blogs, word or mouth and event pages that this is exactly what's going on. There are so many one day a week full time parents. And it is so very sad. 

The time we spend with our children is time we will never regret. It is time that we will never get back. Each and every day they grow up and that opportunity to see them grow will never happen again! 

Will that bar be there? Will that party happen next week, next month, next year? Will that whatever event happen again? I can say with certainty that yes it will. Will your child ever be three years  six weeks and two days old again? No they won't you will not get that day back. You will not get that chance to see them at that stage of life ever again. 

Now don't get me wrong! I am all about me time at least an hour a day! When my kids are tucked away in bed or when my hubby feels like giving me a break! It's is necessary in order not to go nuts! I am also all for a good date night or girls night out! Where anything goes and there's no curfew. But keep it to once a month! 

What I'm calling BS on is when you drop your kid(s) off in the morning half asleep, go to work, pick them up, do dinner and bed that's a span of two hours tops of quality time with your child. AND then you go out every weekend or every other weekend! Not ok in my personal book of parenting. 

Hate me for calling it like I see it. But it makes me sad. It really does. I can't fully go into all the reasons as to why it makes me so sad and why I felt like I needed to vent about it. But I just have this overwhelming ache for the kids with parents that do this. I also feel for the parents because they don't even realize how it looks to others and how much time they are missing out on and how if this type of lifestyle continues how much their kids will be affected later in life. I don't ever want to be that mom that "wasn't there". So I guess what I'm saying is before you RSVP to that next event. Stop and think how much time have I already missed out on with my kid this week, last week or this month. 

Again I'm not trying to say if you go out your a BAD parent. I am simply saying how much time is TOO much time away? 


  1. I completely agree. It makes me sad too. I think it boils down to givers and takers, selfish or selfless. I'm at my breaking point with the selfish generation we are a part of! I choose friends wisely lol. Between the video game dads and the pill popper moms I'm terrified of who my kid will be playing with at school in the fall. So many parents don't even parent their kids. And spend no time with them so where are they getting manners and morals?

  2. This totally speaks to me. I hate being away from my kids. Here I am up in Spokane for my teaching exam and I have said at least 10 times that I want to be home with them. My children really are attached to me at all time and even though we all want our me time, I wouldn't change it for one minute. You are right we will never get this time back. I know many people who drop their kids off every chance they get. This not only makes me sad for the child but the parent as well because eventually they will release how much they missed
